Steering in a safe direction

Der Solidaritätszuschlag ist verfassungsgemäß

Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat den Solidaritätszuschlag für verfassungsgemäß erachtet und eine Verfassungsbeschwerde zurückgewiesen. Die Entscheidung vom 26. März 2025 wurde mit Spannung erwartet.

What makes us special?

A good question – we are sure we could now write you a long text about our broad range of services, our know-how and many of our strengths. But, honestly, would you read this to the end?

So what’s so special about us?

Everyone – employee & client – is part of the whole…

Germany’s best auditors 2022/23 – The ranking has decided – We are back again!

19. April 2022

Once again, this year, we successfully qualified for the manager magazin seal of approval “Germany’s Best Auditors 2022/23” in the category of medium-sized companies.

The official award ceremony for this seal of approval took place on March 24, 2022 at Sohu House in Berlin. The best in the business were invited to this very special event where the certificates were presented.

Mr. Kevin Schneider, who proudly received our certificate, represented the SRS Audit team.

Photo: Martin Teschner for manager magazin.

In a convivial atmosphere, the opportunity was used to exchange experiences among experts, and networking was not neglected either.

As a seal bearer, we continue to guarantee you top performance.

You can also benefit from this – we will be happy to convince you!

4. July 2023

0 years of experience
0 coffee by day
0 electronically filed documents
0 tax returns prepared per month

Do you have any questions?

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.